Kingsley Road, Talke Pits, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, ST7 1RA
01782 973845


Our School Motto:

“Working together to achieve our best."

Our Vision:

Aim High

For all children to aim high and achieve their life potential and aspirations and give them the skills to become active, caring members of the community with a lifelong interest in learning.


To enable pupils to achieve good standards in all areas by making good progress in relation to their prior achievements

Happy learning experience

For the children to have a happy learning experience at Springhead.


To achieve this vision, at Springhead we aim:

  1. To provide a broad and balanced curriculum which is delivered in varied and interesting ways taking into account individual children’s interests, needs and styles of learning.
  2. To develop the children as confident, independent learners who can reflect on their own progress and take responsibility for planning future learning goals with the help and guidance of their teachers and parents.
  3. To promote a set of moral values on which the children can base their own behaviour.
  4. To develop in the children the life and social skills which enable them to become effective members of society who are able to communicate in a variety of situations.
  5. To enhance the partnership between school, parents and community for the benefit of the children.
  6. To provide a stimulating, safe and well-organised learning environment in which all members of the school family are valued and work cooperatively towards achieving the school’s vision.


Our Curriculum Drivers

We have three drivers that underpin what we teach the children and they go across the learning of the children throughout the school.

They are:

  1. Basic knowledge and skills

To be able to access the full curriculum, children need the basic communication and numerate knowledge and skills necessary to access the higher order learning.  These are taught specifically and applied across the curriculum. 

Some of the basic knowledge and skills will be specific to the subject being taught (such as knowledge of colour, catching a ball) whilst others are more generic and essential for learning.  

  1. Creative minds

Across the curriculum we will develop creative thinking and problem solving skills in the children.  These are skills necessary for taking the children’s learning to a deeper, higher level, and needed to make the children thoughtful, independent learners.  These will be developed across the curriculum, whether it be in numeracy, literacy, science, the arts or RE.
To develop creative minds, we will provide a curriculum that allows the children to practice and develop these skills.
At Springhead we have identified the following as features of developing creative minds: 

  • Applying learnt skills and learning new skills
  • Encouraging independent, original and reflective thinking
  • Being evaluative and making judgements
  • Open-minded – open to new ideas, willing to take risks
  • Good interpersonal and intrapersonal skills
  • Variety of approaches
  • Apply creativity to real life situations and experiences
  • Resilience

      3. People skills – Intrapersonal and interpersonal skills

Children need to develop an understanding of themselves – this includes self-control, self-confidence, responsibility for their own actions, and developing their own values.  This should raise the children’s self-esteem.

They need to appreciate that others may have different beliefs and values, and to respect these.  This will involve developing empathy for others.  These skills can be developed across the curriculum, whether it is playing in a team sport, listening and discussing stories about others, studying another culture in history and geography or having a discussion in RE, Philosophy for Children or PSHE.


 By the time the children leave Springhead we aim for them to be:


 Who have enquiring minds, who are creative, resourceful and able to identify and solve problems.  They have the resilience and determination to work hard, not give-up and achieve the best they can, they have the essential basic skills.  They are able to discuss their learning across the curriculum.


Who have self-worth and a personal identity, are becoming increasingly independent, can take initiative and organise themselves, can take managed risks and stay safe, recognise their own talents and have ambitions and are willing to try new things and make the most of opportunities. 


Who respect others, act with integrity and distinguish right from wrong, who understand cultures and traditions and are developing a sense of their place in the world. They challenge injustice and are aware of the rights of others, and try to sustain and improve the environment locally and globally.


Who can communicate in different ways and in different settings, who can work in partnership with others, who can take the initiative and lead, who can apply critical thinking to new concepts and can create, develop and problem solve.

For more information about our curriculum and design, click on the link picture below.


CFLP Learning and Teaching Policy


Springhead Primary Teaching and Learning Policy
